Norma Linda Mattingly
Associate Professor of Education
- PhD University of Iowa
- MAEd University of Wisconsin
- MAEd University of Texas—Pan American
- BS University of Texas
Associate Professor of Education Norma Linda Mattingly joined Mount Mercy in 2000.
Before coming to Mount Mercy she taught as a visiting professor at the University of Iowa, and was a full-time tenure track professor at the University of Texas in San Antonio. She has also taught at Coe College.
In addition to teaching, Mattingly has also worked for the House of Representatives for three years in Washington, D.C, where she was the legislative director for Congressman Greg Laughlin from Texas.
She recently presented her findings regarding pre-service teachers' beliefs and perspectives of multiculturalism and multicultural literature at the National Social Sciences Conference in August 2009. She also presented at the Iowa Culture and Language Conference in Des Moines in February 2009, focusing on texts used to motivate adolescent and adult English language learners.
She received the Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award in 1998 from the University of Iowa for her work on adult literacy groups. She has published numerous articles, which have appeared in the Journal of Literacy Research and the National Social Science Association.
Mattingly is on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Literacy Research and Reading Research Quarterly. She is also a member of the International Reading Association and the Iowa Reading Association. In addition, she has presented work in the area of English language learners. Mattingly has traveled to Mexico to study the education system in that country, bringing valuable insight into her classroom. In her spare time she enjoys playing the piano, painting, and volunteering at her church.