Natural and Applied Sciences
Anna Waterman
Professor of Biology
- PhD University of Iowa
- MA University of Iowa
- BA University of Iowa
Dr. Anna J. Waterman is a Professor of Biology in Mount Mercy’s Department of Natural and Applied Sciences.
In 2012, Dr. Waterman obtained her PhD in Biological Anthropology from the University of Iowa. Her academic areas of interest include bioarchaeology, stable and radiogenic isotopic analyses, health status and human diet, and paleopathology. Dr. Waterman’s most recent research involves stable and radiogenic isotopic analyses of human and animal skeletal remains from prehistoric archaeological sites.
She is currently involved in several collaborative research projects with archaeologists and biological anthropologists in Europe, focused on using bioavailable strontium isotope ratios to identify human migration patterns in the Late Prehistory of Spain and Portugal.
At Mount Mercy University, Dr. Waterman teaches classes related to human biology including Human Anatomy (with cadaver laboratory), Human Physiology, and Evolution. Dr. Waterman has been the recipient of several grants and awards, including the Archaeological Institute of America’s Archaeology of Portugal Fellowship in 2010 and in 2020.
Additional Information
In press Waterman, A.J., C. Detry, M. Diniz, C. Neves, A. Martins, J. M Arnaud, D. W. Peate. Investigating the economic integration of coastal and interior settlements in Late Prehistoric Portugal: New Isotopic Data from Vila Nova de São Pedro. In: Papers from the Vila Nova de São Pedro Congress -1971-2021: fifty years of research on the Chalcolithic in the Peninsular West.
Waterman, A.J. Traveling up hill and down dale: using isotopic studies of human and animal mobility in Chalcolithic Portugal to investigate intraregional patterns of social and economic relationships in late prehistory. In: T.D. Price (ed). Isotopic Proveniencing and Mobility. The Current State of Research.
Waterman, A.J., B. S. Kendall, C. E. Haury-Artz, A. D. Somerville D. W. Peate. Stable and radiogenic isotope analysis of faunal remains from a western Iowa Oneota Complex site: an investigation of diet and mobility variation in the Late Prehistoric period of the upper Midwest. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology. 46(3): 223-254
Wright. E. A.J. Waterman, D.W. Peate, M. Kunst, J. L. Cardoso, and C. Detry. Animal mobility in Chalcolithic Portugal: Isotopic analyses of cattle from the sites of Zambujal and Leceia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 24:804-81.
Olalde, I., et al. including A.J. Waterman. The genetic history of the Iberian Peninsula over the last 8000 years. Science. 363 (6432):1230-1234.
Waterman, A.J., J. L. Beck, J. T. Thomas, R. H. Tykot. Stable isotope analysis of human remains from Los Millares (Almería, Spain, c. 32-2200 cal BC): regional comparisons and dietary variability. Menga. Journal of Andalusian Prehistory, 8: 15-27.
Szécsényi-Nagy, et al. including A.J. Waterman. The maternal genetic make-up of the Iberian Peninsula between the Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age. Scientific reports 7 (1): 15644.
Díaz-del-Río, P., A.J. Waterman, J. T. Thomas, D. W. Peate, R. H. Tykot, M. I. Martínez Navarrete, J. M. Vicent. Diet change and mobility patterns in the Late Prehistory of Central Iberia (4000-1400 cal BC). The evidence of radiogenic (87Sr/86Sr) and stable (δ18O, δ13C) isotope ratios. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. 9 (7):1439-1452.
Díaz-del-Río, P., S. Consuegra, J Audije, S. Zapata, Ó. Cambra, A. González, A.J. Waterman, J. T. Thomas, D. Peate, C. Odriozola, R.Villalobos, P. Bueno, R. H. Tykot.El Rebollosillo (Torrelaguna, Madrid): un enterramiento colectivo en cueva del tercer milenio AC en el centro de la Península Ibérica. (El Rebollosillo ((Torrelaguna, Madrid): a third millennium BC collective burial cave in central Iberia.) Trabajos de Prehistoria.
Irish, J.D., Lillios, K.T., A.J. Waterman and A.M. Silva. Other” possibilities? Assessing regional and extra-regional dental affinities of populations in the Portuguese Estremadura to explore the roots of Iberia’s Late Neolithic-Copper Age. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 11: 224-236.
Balsera, Verónica, P. Díaz del Río, M. Díaz-Zorita, H. Bocherens, A.J. Waterman, J. T. Thomas, D. W. Peate, I. Martínez Navarrete. El Acequión: paleodieta y movilidad humana dureante la Edad del Bronce en La Mancha. Actas de la I Reunión Científica de Arqueología de Albacete: Blanca Gamo Parras, Rubí Sanz Gamo (eds). Albacete: Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses. 331-343.
Waterman, A.J., K.T Lillios, R.H. Tykot and M. Kunst. Ecological Change and Economic Practices Between the Third and Second Millennia BC Using Isotope Analyses of Ovicaprid Remains from the Archaeological Site of Zambujal (Torres Vedras), Portugal. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 5:181-189.
Waterman, A.J., R.H. Tykot and A.M. Silva. Stable Isotope Analysis of Diet-based Social Differentiation at Late Prehistoric Collective Burials in Southwestern Portugal. Archaeometry. 58(1):131–151.
Lillios KT, A.J. Waterman, J. Mack J.A.Artz, Nilsson-Stutz L. In Praise of Small Things: Death and Life at the Late Neolithic-Bronze Age Burial of Bolores (Torres Vedras, Portugal). BAR International Series: Oxford.
Mack, J., A.J Waterman, A-M Racila, J.A. Artz and K.T. Lillios, Applying Zooarchaeological Methods to Interpret Mortuary Behavior and Taphonomy in Commingled Burials: The Case Study of the Late Neolithic Site of Bolores, Portugal. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. 26 (3):524–536.
Lillios, K.T, J.A. Artz, A.J. Waterman, J. Mack, J. T. Thomas, L. Trindade, and I. Luna. The Rock-Cut Tomb of Bolores (Torres Vedras): An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Social Landscape of the Late Neolithic of the Iberian Peninsula. Trabajos de Prehistoria 71(2): 282-306.
Kunst, M, J. L. Cardoso and A.J. Waterman. Human Bones from Chalcolithic Walled Enclosures of Portuguese Estremadura: examples of Zambujal and Leceia. In: Recent Pre-historic Enclosures and Funerary Practices Recent Prehistoric Enclosures and Funerary Practices in Europe: Proceedings of the International Meeting Held at the Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon, Portugal November 2012). Edited by António Valera. BAR International Series 2 627: 83-98.
Horwath, B, A.J. Waterman, K. T. Lillios, and J. Irish. Assessing Change in Diet and Biological Affinity between the 4th and 3rd Millennia BCE in the Portuguese Estremadura Through Microwear and Dental Morphology: A Preliminary Comparison of Feteira II and Bolores. Homo- Journal of Comparative Human Biology. 65(2):87–100.
Waterman, A.J., A.M. Silva and R.H. Tykot. Stable Isotopic Indicators of Diet from Two Late Prehistoric Burial Sites in Portugal: An Investigation of Dietary Evidence of Social Differentiation. Open Journal of Archaeometry.2:22-27.
Waterman, A.J., D.W. Peate, A.M. Silva and J.T. Thomas. In Search of Homelands: Using Strontium Isotopes to Identify Biological Markers of Mobility in Late Prehistoric Portugal. Journal of Archaeological Science. 42C:119-127.
Waterman, A.J., A. Figueiredo, J.T. Thomas, and D.W. Peate. Identifying migrants in the Late Neolithic burials of the Antas of Rego da Murta (Alvaiázere, Portugal) using strontium isotopes. Antrope. 0:190–196.
Thomas, J.T. and A.J. Waterman. Down the Rabbit Hole: The Significance of Late Neolithic Lagomorph Figurines in Anthropological Perspective. Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 28 (2): 113-131.
Waterman, A.J. and J.T. Thomas. When the Bough Breaks: Childhood Mortality and Burial Practice in Late Neolithic Iberia. Oxford Journal of Archaeology. 30(2):165-183.
Lillios, K.T., A.J. Waterman, J.A. Artz, and R.L. Josephs. The Neolithic-Early Bronze Age Mortuary Rockshelter of Bolóres, Torres Vedras, Portugal: Preliminary Results from the 2007 and 2008 Excavations. Journal of Field Archaeology. 5(1):19-39.
Thomas, J.T., and A.J. Waterman. You Say You Want a Revolution: A Brief History of Archaeological Revolutions. SAA Archaeological Record, 10(3):34-37.
Diaz-Zorita Bonilla, M., A.J. Waterman, and K.J. Knudson. Explorando La Movilidad y Los Patrones Dietarios Durante la Edad del Cobre en el Suroeste de la Península Ibérica: Estudio Preliminar Bioarqueológico del Tholos de Palacio III (Almadén de la Plata, Sevilla) (Exploring Mobility and Dietary patterns in the Copper Age of the Iberian South-West: A Preliminary Bioarchaeological Study of the Palacio III Tholos Tomb (Almadén de la Plata, Sevilla, Spain). Actas del IX Congreso Nacional de Paleopatología. Morella (Els Ports, Castelló). 25-28 de Septiembre de 2007. 2007. Edited by M.Polo Cerdá and E.Garcia Prosper, 669-674
Waterman, A.J. C. Detry, M. Diniz, C. Neves, A. Martins, J. M Arnaud, D. W. Peate. From hinterlands to the sea: using isotopic data to understand mobility and economic integration between coastal and interior settlements in late prehistoric Portugal. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, New Orleans, LA, January 5 – 8, 2023.
Waterman, A.J. From hinterlands to the sea: using isotopic data to understand mobility and economic integration between coastal and interior settlements in late prehistoric Portugal. Lecture given for the Archaeological Institute of America Iowa Society local lecture series. University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. October 20th, 2022.
Waterman, A.J., J. Beck, C. Quinn, H. I. Ciugudean, and Peate, D. W. Tracing human and animal migration in Bronze Age Romania: a preliminary analysis using87Sr/86Sr ratios from Apuseni Mountains sites in southwestern Transylvania. Poster presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Chicago, Illinois. March 31st-April 3rd, 2022.
Waterman, A.J., C. Detry, M. Diniz, C. Neves, A. Martins, J. M Arnaud, D. W. Peate. Investigating the economic integration of coastal and interior settlements in Late Prehistoric Portugal: New Isotopic Data from Vila Nova de São Pedro. Paper presented at the Vila Nova de São Pedro Congress -1971-2021: fifty years of research on the Chalcolithic in the Peninsular West. Lisbon, Portugal. November 22 - November 23.
Waterman, A.J. “Finding Biological Markers of Mobility in Late Prehistoric populations of the Iberian Peninsula: A Stable and Radiogenic Isotope Approach.” Encounters with our past: Seminars in Prehistory and related disciplines. University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. Public Lecture Series. May 22, 2021.
Waterman, A.J., A. Figueiredo, J. T. Thomas, R.H. Tykot and D.W. Peate. Isotopic evidence of diet and mobility from the Chalcolithic burials of the Antas of Rego da Murta (Alvaiázere, Portugal). Paper presented at the Archaeological Heritage from Prehistory to the Classic Period, in the municipality of Alvaiázere Seminar. January 22, 2021.
Waterman, A.J., R.H. Tykot and D.W. Peate. Finding Biological Markers of Mobility in Late Prehistoric Portugal and Spain: A Stable and Radiogenic Isotope Approach. Poster presented at the 88nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland, OH. March 27-30, 2019.
Waterman, A.J. Strangers in Strange Lands: Migration in the Megalithic Cultures of Late Prehistoric Iberia (3500-1500BC). Invited Lecture Hamilton College, Clinton, New York. November 1st, 2019.
Waterman, A.J., E. Wright, P. Díaz-del-Río, D.W. Peate and R.H. Tykot, Mapping Human Mobility in Late Prehistoric Portugal and Spain using Strontium and Oxygen Isotopes. Poster presented at the 42nd International Symposium on Archaeometry, Merida, Mexico. May 20-26, 2018.
Waterman, A.J., M. Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, and R.H. Tykot | Stable Isotope Analyses of Skeletal Remains from the Copper Age burials at Valencina-Castilleja (Seville): Dietary Patterns and Regional Comparisons. Poster presented at the 87nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Austin, Tx. April 11-14, 2018.
Wright. E. A.J. Waterman, M. Kunst, J. L. Cardoso, R.H. Tykot and D.W. Peate. Identifying animal mobility in Chalcolithic Portugal: Isotopic analyses of cattle from the sites of Zambujal and Leceia. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, Boston, MA, January 4–7, 2018.
Wright. E. A.J. Waterman, M. Kunst, J. L. Cardoso, R.H. Tykot and D.W. Peate. New insights into animal mobility in Chalcolithic Portugal: Results of strontium isotope analysis on cattle from the Zambujal and Leceia. Paper presented at the European Association of Archaeologists, Maastricht, Netherlands Sept, 2017.
Marsh, H. E., A. J. Waterman, and R.H. Tykot. Using stable isotopes to assess dietary variation in Late Middle Woodland settlements in the Central United States: Evidence from human burials at Monkey Mountain (23JO14) Warrensburg, Missouri. Poster presented at the 86nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, New Orleans, La. April 19-23, 2017.
Waterman, A. J., E. Wright, M. Kunst, J. L. Cardoso, and D.W. Peate. From whence they came: Identifying natal landscapes using strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) signatures in late prehistoric southwestern Portugal. Poster presented at the 86nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, New Orleans, La. April 19-23, 2017.
Wright. E. A.J. Waterman, M. Kunst, J. L. Cardoso, R.H. Tykot and D.W. Peate. Isotopic analyses of cattle from Zambujal and Leceia: New insights into animal husbandry practices in Chalcolithic Portugal. Paper presented at the Iberian Zooarchaeology Meeting, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal, 26-29 April, 2017.
Irish, J.D., Lillios, K.T., A.J. Waterman and A.M. Silva. Regional and extra-regional dental affinities of populations between the Late Neolithic and Copper Age in the Portuguese Estremadura. Paper presented at the 6th Annual meeting of European Society for the study of Human Evolution, Madrid, Spain. 2016.
Lillios, K.T., J.D Irish, A.J. Waterman and A.M. Silva. Regional and extra-regional dental affinities of populations between the Late Neolithic and Copper Age in the Portuguese Estremadura. Paper presented at the 85nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Atlanta, Ga. April 12-16, 2016.
Lillios, K.T., J.D Irish, A.J. Waterman and A.M. Silva. Demographic and cultural dynamics of the Portuguese Estremadura in the 4th-3rd millennia BC: a multi-proxy approach. Poster presented at the 81nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Orlando, Florida. April 6-10, 2016.
Waterman, A.J., P. Díaz-del-Río, and R.H. Tykot | Evidence of C4 plant intake and dietary heterogeneity in Late Prehistoric burial populations of Spain and Portugal. Poster presented at the 85nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Atlanta, Ga. April 12-16, 2016.
Díaz-del-Río, P. and A.J. Waterman. Dieta y movilidad humana durante la prehistoria reciente de la meseta. Paper presented at the Key Resources and Socio-Cultural Developments in the Iberian Chalcolithic Workshop at the German Archaeological Institute in Madrid and the University of Alcalá de Henares. Madrid, Spain. April 9-10 2015.
Waterman, A.J., J.T. Thomas, and D.W. Peate. Mapping Migration: Tracing Ancient Human Mobility via Local Bioavailable Strontium Isotope (87Sr/86Sr) Signatures in the Iberian Peninsula. Poster presented at the 84nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, St. Louis, MO. March 25-29, 2015.
Waterman, A.J., J.T. Thomas, J.G. Enloe, and D.W. Peate. The influence of prey availability on ice age hunting strategies: Tracing Magdalenian reindeer migratory patterns using strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) analysis of reindeer teeth from Verberie (Oise, France). Poster presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, CA. April 15-19, 2015.
Balsera, V., P. Díaz-del-Río, A.J. Waterman, M. Díaz-Zorita, H. Bocherens, J. Thomas, D. Peate, I. Martínez Navarrete, A. Gilman, C. Martín. El poblado de El Acequión: nuevos datos sobre la paleodieta y la movilidad humana durante la Edad del Bronce. Paper presented at the Reunion científica de Arqueología de Albacete. Albacete, Spain. January 22-24 2015.
Lillios, K.T., J. Mack, J.A. Artz , A.J. Waterman, and L. Nilsson Stutz. Biographies, Practices, and Social Change: Multiscalar Research at the Late Neolithic-Early Bronze Age Collective Burial of Bolores. Paper to be presented at 20th Annual Meeting of European Association of Archaeologists, Istanbul, Turkey. September 10-14, 2014.
Díaz-del-Río, P., S Consuegra, J. Audije, S. Zapata, Ó. Cambra, A. González, A.J. Waterman, J.T. Thomas, D. Peate. The collective burial cave of El Rebollosillo (Torrelaguna, Madrid) and the role of dead bodies in Late Copper Age Iberia. Paper to be presented at the 17th congress of the Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques (UISPP), Burgos, Spain. September 1-7, 2014.
Waterman, A.J., R.H. Tykot, and A. Figueiredo. A Stable Isotopic Analysis of Dietary Patterns in Individuals Interred in the Late Neolithic/Copper Age Burials of Anta da Rego da Murta I and II (Alvaiázere, Portugal): Preliminary Results. Poster presented at the International Symposium on Archaeometry, Los Angeles, CA. May 19-23, 2014.
Waterman, A.J., R.H. Tykot, J.T. Thomas, D.W. Peate and K.T. Lillios. An investigation of human dietary and mobility patterns at the late Neolithic burials of Bolores (Torres Vedras, Portugal) using isotopic analyses. Poster presentation at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, Texas. April 23-26, 2014.
Mack, J., K.T. Lillios, A.J Waterman, J.A. Artz, and A-M Racila. Osteological Landmark Quantification and the Taphonomy of the Late Neolithic Rock-Cut Tomb of Bolores, Portugal. Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, Texas. April 23-26, 2014.
Waterman, A.J., J.T. Thomas, P. Díaz-del-Río, S. Consuegra, A. Pérez-Villa, D.W. Peate. An investigation of mobility patterns in the late prehistoric communities of central Spain (Madrid) using 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios. Poster presented at the 83nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. April 8-12, 2014.
Waterman, A.J., and J.T. Thomas. People, Places, and Things: Life and Death in the Late Neolithic of Portugal. Poster presented at the 112nd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago IL. November 20-24, 2013.
Waterman, A.J., A. Figueiredo, J.T. Thomas, and D.W. Peate. Strontium Isotope Identification of Migrants in the Collective Burials at the Late Neolithic Rego da Murta Dolmens (Alvaiázere, Portugal). Paper presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Knoxville, TN. April 9-13, 2013.
Kunst, M, J. L. Cardoso and A.J. Waterman. Human Bones from Chalcolithic Walled Enclosures of Portuguese Estremadura: examples of Zambujal and Leceia. Paper presented at the international meeting of recent pre-historic enclosures and funerary practices (organized by António Valera and ERA-Arqueologia), Lisboa, Portugal. November 6-8, 2012.
Waterman, A.J., A. Figueiredo, J.T. Thomas, and D.W. Peate. Identifying migrants in the Late Neolithic burials of the Antas of Rego da Murta (Alvaiázere, Portugal) using Strontium Isotopes. Paper presented at Jornadas Internacionais does Património, Alvaiázere, Portugal. May 18-19, 2012.
Waterman, A.J., M. Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, D.W. Peate and K.J. Knudson. At Home or Abroad: An Investigation of Human Migration Patterns in Copper Age Spain using Strontium Isotopes. Poster presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Memphis, Tennessee. April 18-22, 2012.
Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, M., Waterman, A.J., and D.W. Peate. El origen y la movilidad de las poblaciones de la edad del cobre y bronce en el sur peninsular a través de los análisis de isótopos estables de 87/86Sr y 18O. Paper presented at the II Congreso de Prehistoria de Andalucía, Antequera, Spain. February 15 – 17, 2012.
Waterman, A.J., A.M. Silva and D.W. Peate. In Search of Homelands: Using Strontium Isotopes to Identify Biological Markers of Mobility in Late Prehistoric Portugal. Poster presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Sacramento, California, March 30 – April 3, 2011.
Moore S.G. and A.J. Waterman. Determining biological sex ratios using hand and foot metrics of the Neolithic-Early Bronze Age burial population of Bolores (Torres Vedras, Portugal). Poster presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Sacramento, California, March 30 – April 3, 2011.
Waterman, A.J., M. Kunst, R.H. Tykot and A.M. Silva. Stable Isotope Analysis of Human and Animal Remains from Zambujal (Torres Vedras, Portugal): An Investigation of Human and Animal Dietary Diversity in Late Prehistoric Portugal. Poster presented at the 112th Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, San Antonio, Texas, January 6 – 9, 2011.
Waterman, A.J., A.M. Silva and R.H. Tykot. Stable Isotopic Indicators of Diet from Two Late Prehistoric Burial Sites in Portugal: An Investigation of Dietary Evidence of Social Differentiation. Poster presented at the 38th International Symposium on Archeometry, Tampa, Florida, May 10-14, 2010.
Waterman, A.J., and R.H. Tykot. Evidence of Dietary Variability and Breadth at Los Millares (Almeria, Spain) (c.2700-1900 BC) Based on Stable Isotope Analysis of Human Remains. Poster presented at the 75nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis, Missouri, April 14 - 18, 2010.
Waterman, A.J. and J.C. Willman. Demographic and Health Status Patterns from the Late Neolithic Collective Burials of Bolores (Torres Vedras), Portugal: Methodological Considerations and Results. Paper presented at the 74nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta, Georgia. April 22 - 26, 2009.
Waterman, A.J. and B.C. Horwath. Dental Attrition Patterns in Two Late Prehistoric Skeletal Collections from the Estremadura region of Portugal: Comparisons and Results. Poster presented at the 78th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Chicago, Illinois, March 31-April 4, 2009.
Waterman, A.J., J.C. Willman, and K.T. Lillios. The Late Neolithic Collective Burial of Bolores (Torres Vedras), Portugal: Preliminary Results. Poster Presentation, the 77th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Columbus, Ohio, April 7-13, 2008.
Waterman, A.J., J.C. Willman, and K.T. Lillios. The Late Neolithic Collective Burial of Bolores (Torres Vedras), Portugal: Preliminary Results. Poster Presentation, the 73nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, BC. Canada. March 26 - March 30, 2008.
Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, M, A.J. Waterman, and K.J. Knudson. Explorando la movilidad y los patrones dietarios en una Comunidad de la Edad del Cobre: Análisis Preliminar Bioarqueológico del Tholos de Palacio III (Almadén de la Plata, Sevilla). Poster Presentation at the XI Congreso Nacional De Paleopathologia, Morella, Spain, September 26-29, 2007.
Waterman, A.J. Social Complexity and Community Health Status in Late Neolithic Portugal. Paper presentation at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Austin, Texas, April 25 - 29, 2007.
Waterman, A.J. Health Status in Prehistoric Portugal: Dental Pathology and Childhood Mortality Patterns from the Late Neolithic burials of Feteira (Lourinhã). Poster Presentation, the 76th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 27- April 1, 2007.